US IT business. Money overdose

Apple over the past 12 months has distributed an incredible $ 85 billion to shareholders/investors (71.4 billion in buyback and 14 billion in dividends), for fiscal 2018 (October 2017-September 2018) it was even greater - 86.4 billion (72.7 + 13.7). This is an unattainable world record. Prior to this, Apple also had the highest rate (56.2 billion in 2014), and earlier - Microsoft (44.2 billion in 2005) and Exxon Mobil (43.8 billion in 2008).

85-86 billion is almost two annual defense budgets of Russia! If we compare it with the government expenditures of the countries of the world (federal/central government + local/local), it turns out that Malaysia, Chile, Romania, Hungary, Iran, Egypt, Algeria, and the Philippines are $ 70-78 billion in government spending. Ukraine - 55 billion, Kazakhstan - 35 billion, Belarus - 25 billion. If to compare with Russian business, then Gazprom - 2.9 billion, MMC - 2.6 billion, Lukoil - 2.2 billion in 2017 (the last full data). In general, all payments by ALL public Russian companies are a measly $ 25 billion. Well, just to get a little understanding of the size, volume and return to reality. Even the money of Gazprom is insignificant compared to the flows in Apple ...

And these funds Apple - as a kind of excess, in fact, "withdrawn" from the company, and only from one company! For 5 years, 275 billion have been “bred” from Apple! From the entire Russian business received 150 billion over 5 years. A huge jerk of payments to shareholders occurred in Cisco 27.1 billion (21.1 + 6), Oracle 31.8 billion (28.8 + 3), Qualcomm 26.1 billion (22.6 + 3.5), Microsoft 29.5 billion (16.3 + 13.2). Google has never made a buyback before and did not pay dividends. So, now he does not pay divas, but the buyback has grown to 9.7 billion, and the first payments in 2015 were 1.8 billion. Facebook paid 12.9 billion in the form of a buyback - this is almost comparable to the amount of money that Facebook received during the IPO in May 2012. Increased Broadcom payments to 10.3 billion from 1.7, to Intel to 16 billion from 8 billion a year earlier, and Texas is not lagging behind (6.1 billion versus 4.7).

And now attention, in the aggregate, 10 named companies, which are leaders in the IT industry in terms of payments to shareholders, formed a cash flow of 256 billion dollars per year - towards investors! From 2014 to 2017 it was 112-124 billion, in 2011 it was 50 billion! Over 250 billion from the top 10, and only in the IT industry. For 5 years, 725 billion. Formally, IBM still in the TOP, there are 9 billion, but for the last 4 years, they have not changed. Full data on all companies will be later, but it is safe to say that last year was a record for corporate buybacks and divas, with the space record. Actually, this is the main reason why, while reducing the balance of the Fed, the American market is better than the rest and so expensive by multipliers.

Who said that there is a crisis in the US? Not badly so "suffer" with scattering hundreds of billions of dollars!

US IT business. Money overdose US IT business. Money overdose Reviewed by Mark Schadenberg on February 19, 2019 Rating: 5
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